The Jet Pioneer

Apr 17, 2020 – A story about a Deltasig who achieves career success is not uncommon. What is uncommon, and remarkable, is the story of Major General Carl G. Schneider, U.S. Air Force (Ret.).

The life and career of the 1977 Deltasig of the Year is now captured in Jet Pioneer: A Fighter Pilot's Memoir

Schneider Older Jet Pioneer is a memoir of the life of Schneider, which covers his career from enlisting as aprivate to his retirement as a Major General thirty-two years later. The book is filled with personal stories that recount riveting combat missions, gut-wrenching moments and important leadership lessons. It is a fascinating look into the unprecedented career of a jet fighter pilot who flew one hundred combat missions in Korea and served in Vietnam. 

Schneider, Texas-Austin, includes many exciting and impactful experiences throughout the book. Among them are the details of his time in the Beta Kappa Chapter. He bookends the pages on the Fraternity with his election as pledge class president and being recognized as the 1977 Deltasig of the Year.

During his military career, Brother Schneider remained active in the Fraternity as a member of the Oklahoma City Alumni Chapter and as the President of the Phoenix Alumni Chapter. He has attended many local, regional and national events over the past several decades and remains close to a number of Deltasigs, including his biological brother, Clyde, who is a Deltasig from Texas Tech.

In his 1977 acceptance speech as Deltasig of the Year, Schneider told the brothers assembled in Tulsa, Oklahoma: "I am sure there are others more deserving, but there are no others who believe in Delta Sigma Pi more than I do. As a life member, I pledge my continued lifelong support."

As Delta Sigma Pi continues to further a higher standard, the story of Major General Schneider is a testament to the quality of professionals that link career success to their lifelong Fraternity experience.

Schneider's books are available at as well as major book sellers such as Barnes and Noble. For further information, his website is His full Deltasig of the Year acceptance speech is recorded in the March 1978 issue of The DELTASIG, viewable in the magazine archives at
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