Register for the 2022 South Central LEAD Provincial Conference!
Austin, the location of our 2022 South Central LEAD Provincial Conference, is known for its friendly citizens, outstanding food, great live food venues and an all-around culture that has made it a "balance of small town and big metropolis."
Conference Details:
-- Friday, February 18, 2022 to Sunday, February 20, 2022
-- Onsite check-in opens Friday, February 18, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Find out what you can expect at the South Central LEAD Provincial Conference by
reviewing our draft agenda, which includes session titles and information.
See Provincial Resources or details about the Provincial Council meeting.
-- $95 if received by 12/16/21 (Registration must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST)
-- $115 if received by 1/18/22
-- $140 if received on or after 1/19/22
See registration policies for complete details, including cancellation and transfer instructions. Please note that this event is subject to being sold out if maximum capacity is reached.
COVID Protocols:
As the health and safety of our brothers is of the utmost importance, all attendees will be required to wear a well-fitted mask throughout all sessions, while participating in group activities, and while indoors in the hotel event spaces. The only exception will be while actively eating or drinking during official meal functions. We ask that registrants please plan ahead to come to the event with an appropriate mask.
Additionally, while the LEAD Provincial Conference will only be available in-person, chapter delegates not attending the in-person event will have an opportunity to participate in the Provincial Council Meeting virtually.
Delta Sigma Pi will adhere to all federal, state, and local COVID protocols at the time and location of each event. Safety protocols may be adjusted as the Fraternity continues to monitor COVID activities. Visit the LEAD Provincial page for more details.
Hotel Information:
Hilton Austin Airport
9515 Hotel Drive
Austin, TX 78719
Delta Sigma Pi’s discounted rate is $129/night + tax for one to four people. Call 800-584-5091 for reservations or book online. This rate is available until January
21, 2022 (although it is likely the hotel will sell out sooner). Mention Delta Sigma Pi for the discounted rate.
Community Service:
Support Ronald McDonald House Charities and bring your Pop Tabs! We will donate all collected pop tabs to RMHC. They collect aluminum
pop tabs year-round, and the recycling of these tabs generates necessary income to allow them to continue to serve children and families. Drop them off at the Community Service table between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. Please bring pop tab donations in wide opening containers. IE: storage containers, gallon bags, and boxes. Do not bring pop tabs in containers with small openings, they will not be accepted.
In addition to the RMHC pop tabs, they are also to be collecting items for the Austin Ronald McDonald House to include: non-perishable food items, board games and card games, cleaning supplies (sponges, detergent, dishwashing liquids), personal care and hygiene products (toothpaste, tooth brushes, soap, shampoos and conditioners) and household items (paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, aluminum foil).
Austin Ronald McDonald House Address for Amazon Wish List orders: 1315 Barbara Jordan Blvd, Austin, TX 78723
Link to the Wishlist: Wish List - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas (
There are 3 options in this link, the second if for the Austin location that we will be donating to.