Inactive Status

Delta Sigma Pi allows inactive status, or a temporary removal from membership, for collegiate members during a specific academic term, when extreme circumstances arise. 

Request for inactive status should typically occur when payment of dues is due or during the first half of the academic term. Situations that arise mid to late in the term should not affect financial obligations (membership dues) but allow the member excused absences from Fraternity events. The chapter has the authority to approve these absences as excused on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate by the chapter.

Extreme circumstance is defined, but not limited to, the following circumstances:

  • Extreme loss in family income or livelihood.
  • Natural disaster to hometown, country, etc. that has a direct impact on the brother or their family.  Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, forest fires, etc. causing an immediate affect on the brother or their immediate family including displacement from home, loss of home or personal property.
  • Significant changes in income or employment conditions of the brother. The hardship or significant need must be explained in full detail.
  • Death or serious illness of immediate family member.
  • Immediate family member involved in serious accident. Injury of an immediate family member which causes significant impact upon lifestyle of member whereas, the member must provide care, return home, leave school, etc.
  • Personal changes to the member such as pregnancy, serious accident or injury requiring a hospital stay, or major surgery. 

Other extreme circumstances may exist which are not specifically defined above, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The following examples do not constitute “extreme circumstances” for inactive status:

  • Lack of interest and effort in the Fraternity. Being “too busy” does not constitute an extreme circumstance. A member who belongs to more than one organization must fulfill Delta Sigma Pi obligations as agreed to in their pledge of membership. The chapter has the right to excuse absences according to their written attendance policy.
  • Upperclassmen who do not wish to participate at the end of their academic term. All members regardless of class status must complete their obligations of membership, including attendance at meetings and events and payment of membership dues.
  • Work or class obligations. Every student incurs these (or similar) obligations as many students/members must work and attend school on a regular basis.
  • Financial hardships, which are not clearly and completely explained.
  • Personality conflicts and differences of opinions.

Requirements & Procedures:

  • The applicant must be in good standing with the chapter as defined in Bylaws and may not have any outstanding financial obligations to either the chapter or National Fraternity. 
  • The applicant must complete the form in its entirety, providing a detailed explanation of the reasons for the request. 
  • The executive committee of the applicant’s chapter must approve the request by a simple majority vote and report the results, including meeting minutes, in the Hub within seven days of the meeting.
  • Central Office staff will review the application. If approved, the Central Office will issue a credit to the chapter’s account when applicable and notify the member, chapter and local leadership of the decision.
Membership is immediately reinstated the following academic term and additional requests are required for subsequent academic terms.