Collegiate Chapter Senior Vice President

As Senior Vice President of your Delta Sigma Pi collegiate chapter, you assist and support the chapter President, and back him or her up when he or she is absent, but your main role is to oversee recruiting.

Meet Recruiting Goals

Each Delta Sigma Pi collegiate chapter should strive to achieve recruiting goals provided by the Central Office. Each chapter’s unique goal is based on several factors, including total enrollment of business majors, existence of other business fraternities on your campus, current chapter size, and recent membership trends. Don’t forget to recruit faculty and honorary members as well as business majors! The resources to the left give great tips and information regarding how to meet or exceed your chapter’s recruiting goal.

Make a Recruiting Plan

Keep your chapter’s strategic plan updated with recruiting dates and descriptions so your chapter can comply with CMP standards and requirements. Your recruiting plan should include:

  • Composition of current chapter members by class standing, business major and gender.
  • Identification of recruiting goals for target markets.
  • Description of your promotional campaign, including all forms of publicity used to market events.
  • Description of recruiting events, including any event designed to introduce prospective members to Delta Sigma Pi.
  • Procedures used for following up with interested prospective members.
  • Criteria used in membership selection.

Maintain Recruiting Standards

Review Delta Sigma Pi bylaws and policies for detailed information about requirements for membership selection. Follow rules and standards for eligibility, voting, and non-discrimination.

For a complete listing of officer responsibilities as set in Fraternity policy, please refer to section B of the National Policy and Procedures Manual.

If you have questions or concerns about your role as Senior Vice President or your chapter’s recruiting program, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Fraternity’s Central Office staff, your District Director, or your Regional Vice President.

William W. "Bill" Tatum Jr. Leadership Fund

The William W. “Bill” Jr. Leadership Fund provides a financial grant to a chapter who identified strength, creativity and innovation in their recruitment efforts. In 2022, the winner was selected from among the provincial winners of the R. Nelson Mitchell Outstanding Collegiate Chapter Award based on each chapters’ recruitment section of the application.