Delta Sigma Pi’s Make A Difference Day embodies an integral component of brotherhood: service to others. For 27 years, this annual October event has united our brothers’ efforts to serve their campuses and communities. This past Saturday was
certainly no exception.
Whether it’s helping Ronald McDonald House Charities with donations of time, talent and treasure, preparing meals or completing yardwork for an assistant-living facility, or any other effort to support nonprofit organizations, Deltasigs have proudly
embraced opportunities to help the less fortunate.
The Central Office staff is incredibly proud of our brothers’ philanthropic efforts. At the Delta Sigma Pi Central Office, we strive to meet the same standard. Our initiatives over the years have included:
- Collections for The Oxford Food Bank
- Gathering funds and supplies for the Animal Adoption Foundation of Hamilton/Ross, Ohio
- Adopting a family in need in our community and providing holiday gifts and household necessities
- Several years of collections for the Ronald McDonald House near Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- And, consistent financial support for area organizations such as the Oxford Chamber of Commerce, the Oxford Lions Club, the Oxford Kiwanis Club and McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital.
We’re happy and proud to do our part for our community, but we’re even more excited to hear about the contributions Deltasig brothers have made to theirs. Tell us about your service activities. Log on to the Hub to document
your day of service, and let us know about your efforts by contacting magazine@dsp.org. Do good, feel good, and earn your chapter CMP credit – it’s a win-win-win!