Fraternity Board Meeting Minutes in Seconds

Mar 29, 2021 – The National Fraternity Board of Directors met virtually in March. Read the Minutes in Seconds for a quick summary of the meetings.

At the March 6, 2021 meeting:

  • 1977 National COY (and Illinois-based attorney) Marc Franson provided overview of governance advice. The Board then held a discussion about how to better communicate Board decisions by including why and how decisions were made (and including original source of change and steps taken to make the final decision).
  • A recommendation to revise Board mail voting procedures was tabled and referred back to staff to create an updated version based on feedback from the Board.
  • Approved unanimous voting clarifications related to the PGP for bylaws amendment consideration at 2021 GCC. Requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates for approval.
  • 2020 National COY Cody Vasquez provided an update from the COY Committee pilot program.
  • Noted the Community Service Committee is looking at pushing the million pop tab goal to 2022 GCC. A virtual service option for 2021 GCC was also requested.
  • Deferred approval of the 2021-22 operating budget vote until 3/11/2021 Meeting. Schoh noted inclusion of a budgeted dues increase of $2.50 per person in spring 2022 and suggested incremental future dues increases. Also noted a suggested $10 initiation fee increase in 2022-23. Decisions on possible virtual Presidents’ Academy will impact budget significantly.
  • Approved 2021-22 special projects budget.
  • Schoh noted the Form 990 is approved by the Finance Committee and will be sent to Board for review.
  • Ibe reviewed recent clarifications of the campaign policy sent to current candidates and posted on the website due to more virtual campaigning.
  • A recommendation to add two At Large Directors to National Board of Directors failed. Board members shared concerns about timing of adding new Board members. The concept added to collective governance issues referred to next Board and possible 2022 GCC deliberation.
  • Approved for 2021 Grand Chapter consideration a requirement for Board to set training requirements as an eligibility for National Office. If approved, the next Board would then be asked to approve policy aspect of requiring CDL. Requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates for approval.
  • Directed staff to work with the family of recently deceased 2021 Career Achievement Honoree John Goering on a suitable recognition process.
  • A recommendation to create Delta Sigma Pi Alumni Association, managed by the National Alumni Development Committee, was not moved and referred back to the NADC and the Executive Director. Board feedback included structure of new association as it relates to current governance and Foundation, costs associated with the association and specific purpose and goal of the association.
  • Recommendations to remove “Development” from National Alumni Development Committee title and add duties to the committee’s description were not moved. Alumni Development and Organizational Development Committees were encouraged to review in terms of overall committee structure evaluation.
  • Recommendation to hold three fall 2021 LEAD Schools instead of the traditional five was withdrawn. A new recommendation will be added to the 3/11/2021 meeting.
  • Determined not to have a National Honorary Initiate NHI for the 2021 GCC.
  • Approved LF Grant Prioritization Request Agreement for 2021-22 for $120,000 plus the grant from Enterprise and any DEI Fund Grants. Requires Foundation Board approval. (Later approved by Trustees.)
  • Approved sending virtual membership certificates and cards to 2020-21 initiates. Printed versions can continue to be ordered from the online store, where they are priced to cover shipping costs.
  • Tabled a recommendation until after Grand Chapter Congress to replace future membership certificates with a virtual alternative.
  • Approved creation of an official Assistant DD position, anticipated to take effect for fall. This codifies a process that many regions implemented unofficially for many years, while offering additional support to our chapters. The position is optional and appointed at the discretion of the RVP.
  • Approved suspending the July issue of The Deltasig magazine to assist with budgetary concerns and allocation of staff resources during staff vacancies.
  • Approved to revoke the charter of Delta Rho at Ferris State (MI) by a unanimous vote for continued operational deficiencies as well as risk management and pledging/initiation violations.
  • Approved offer of receivership to Omicron Psi at Washington State.
  • Reviewed progress of Bowie State (MD) and Northern Kentucky Colonies, which have both been active for two years, noting concerns that could be due to pandemic.
  • Approved petition of Northwood Colony (Midland, Michigan). Installation is currently planned for April 18.
  • Held discussion about Post-GCC Retreat. Current plan is to hold virtually, but may include opportunity to hold some in-person meetings for Board and/or local Provincial teams and/or LF Trustees.
  • Approved clarifying a requirement of two years for Golden Council membership qualification for Board and elected Regional Vice Presidents. This will allow those who are elected in the middle of a term (due to office vacancy) eligibility at the two year mark, rather than after a full term.
  • Reviewed staff vacancies and related finances in executive session without any formal actions.
  • Several items were deferred to a March 11 special meeting, including the Ritual and Strategic Priorities items, and operating budget.


At the March 11, 2021 special meeting:

  • Unanimously approved to invoke authority granted in Regulations Governing the Ritual Article X to extend the current socially distanced and virtual Rituals through the now virtual 2021 GCC. (This previously expired before GCC started.) Requires ratification at the 2021 GCC.
  • Approved asking the 2021 Grand Chapter to consider extending virtual and social distancing Ritual through the 2022 GCC, including optional hybrid option and usage of robes.
  • Approved asking the 2021 Grand Chapter to consider allowing limited video reproduction of Ritual ceremonies for training purposes.
  • Approved 2022 Presidents’ Academy to be virtual, with no chapter fees to attend, and to include DDs and RVPs.
  • Approved fall 2021 LEAD School(s) to be virtual.
  • Delayed implementation of new CMP pledge manual policy that allowed chapters to use the “current or immediately prior edition” of The Crown & Delta for pledge classes until July 1, 2022. This aligns with decision not to produce a new, 2021 edition of The Crown & Delta, thus the 2020 edition remains current and chapters will continue to be able to use extra inventory from the current year for next year’s pledge programs.
  • 21-22 Operating Budget approved, including a $2.50 dues increase in spring 2022 term.
  • Revised Board mail voting procedures to ensure compliance with Illinois statutes. Fewer mail votes are anticipated, accordingly. (Mail votes must be unanimous to pass or fail, or to be considered, as appropriate, at future official meetings.)
  • Strategic Priorities initial overview and goals for 2021-26 were approved.
  • Discussions on various approaches to virtual 2021 GCC were held. Staff and volunteers to develop drafts for Board consideration. Time zone issues and vacation days/weekends for delegates a paramount concern voiced.
  • DEI Task Force update provided, following its first meeting.
  • Fraternity Operations