Delta Sigma Pi Resources

We curate a large body of information and resources that Delta Sigma Pi members—both alumni and collegiate—find helpful for their involvement in the Fraternity, as well as in their jobs and communities.

Delta Sigma Pi resources include: We are dedicated to building and maintaining a robust and up-to-date collection of resources to benefit Delta Sigma Pi members. To submit a publication for inclusion in this section, please contact the Central Office.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Due to the volume of information maintained by the Fraternity, publications and information may be altered or removed from time to time as it is replaced or updated. We strive to organize information for Delta Sigma Pi members in a helpful and easy-to-navigate way by grouping documents into the categories listed above, but if you are not able to find a particular document or page you need, please try our search tool to locate the information topically.