Beta Omicron Reactivated at Rutgers-Newark, NJ

Apr 12, 2019 – Join us in welcoming back Beta Omicron, which will be reinstalled April 13th!

Originally founded October 9, 1937, Beta Omicron welcomed nearly 600 individuals before closing in 1942. The colony officially began again in April 2017 at the recommendation of faculty two supported Delta Sigma Pi's Rutgers-New Brunswick chapter. 

Since colonization, the colony has sent members to numerous national Fraternity events including: 2017 Grand Chapter Congress and the 2019 LEAD Provincial Conference in Philadelphia. Professionally, they have welcomed numerous industry experts (including leaders of Fortune 500 companies and community leaders) to give presentations and have even collaborated with the Capital Colony (installed March 30, 2019) to create a professional relationship spanning the Empire Region. 

According to Empire RVP Jackie Napalan, "The colony took initiative to understand and learn from other chapters in their province and is actively involved in interchapter relations such as our region's annual picnic and social media groups. I trust they will continue to grow as they have built a strong foundation of dedicated members to sustain their chapter for years to come." 
  • Fraternity Operations