Collegiate Chapter Vice President - Scholarship and Awards

Delta Sigma Pi offers over 20 opportunities for member and chapter recognition, not to mention the many scholarships offered by the Delta Sigma Pi Leadership Foundation. As your chapter’s Vice President-Scholarship and Awards, your responsibilities include:

  • Informing the chapter about all opportunities for individual and chapter fraternal recognition, including educating members about university and Delta Sigma Pi scholarship and academic development opportunities.
  • Overseeing the chapter’s award application process, including nomination of a Collegian of the Year candidate.
  • Serving as the contact person for the provincial and national Scholastic Development and Awards Committees.
  • Developing programs to foster and recognize members’ academic achievement.
  • Overseeing the administration of any chapter scholarships.
  • Ensuring that the Scholarship Key is awarded at your school.
  • Promoting any recognition received by members and/or the chapter to the university and local community.
  • Setting annual chapter goals for participation in Delta Sigma Pi awards processes, and carrying out those plans.

For a complete listing of officer responsibilities as set in Fraternity policy, please refer to section B of the National Policy and Procedures Manual

To effectively perform your duties as Vice President-Scholarship and Awards, you need the detailed information contained in the documents linked at left. Take advantage of these great resources to make your job easier and more effective!

If you have questions about your role or responsibilities, contact your Provincial Scholastic Development and Awards Committee Chair, a member of the national committee, Delta Sigma Pi Central Office staff, your District Director, or your Regional Vice President.